帝国軍起つ The Imperial Army Rises
Audience Chamber
レア: アドラステア帝国がこのような暴挙に出るとは……実に忌々しき事態です。
Rhea: Unforgivable! I cannot believe that the Adrestian Empire would embark on such a violent course of action.
セテス: エーデルガルトの邪心を見抜けなかったのは痛恨の失態でした……。
Seteth: The fault is my own. I failed to see the wickedness within Edelgard's heart.
Choice 1: 本当に邪心なのか? Is she wicked?
セテス: 己が野心のために得体の知れぬ輩と共謀し、あろうことか聖墓までも穢したのだぞ。
Seteth: She plotted with ill-meaning strangers to achieve her own ambitions and defiled the Holy Tomb.
If that is not wicked, what is?
Choice 2: 彼女の目的は? What is her objective?
セテス: 言わずもがな、フォドラ全土の征服だろう。
Seteth: There is no question on that front. She clearly wishes to conquer all of Fódlan. And in order to achieve her own selfish ambitions, she plotted with ill-meaning strangers and defiled the Holy Tomb.
セテス: もしや彼女は、セイロス教を否定することで自身を神格化しようとしているのか……?
Seteth: Or perhaps her ambitions are even grander than we know. Perhaps she is planning to make herself a false deity by demonizing the Church of Seiros...
レア: 神託をもって名づけられたアドラステアが女神に仇なすなど、断じて許されません!
Rhea: Adrestia received its very name through a divine oracle. To injure the goddess is a sin most foul that shall not be forgiven nor forgotten.
We must stop the Empire...and quickly.
シャミア: 戻りました、レアさん。
Shamir: I have returned, Rhea.
レア: シャミア、ご苦労でした。帝国の動きは掴めましたか?
Rhea: Welcome back, Shamir. Were you able to discern the Empire's movements?
シャミア: ……帝国の本軍は、ガルグ=マクを目指して進軍中です。
Shamir: Their main troops are marching towards Garreg Mach.
It is said that they will join forces with Edelgard's army and arrive within two weeks.
セテス: わずか2週間……!?いくら何でも早すぎる!
Seteth: Two weeks? That is not enough time!
It will require all of our efforts just to prepare our defenses before then.
We must send notice to all surrounding villages at once. We must order the residents of Garreg Mach to flee for their lives.
シャミア: はっ。
Shamir: It will be done.
レア: ………………。
Rhea: ...
Professor...listen closely.
If our enemy invades the monastery, I will have no choice but to stand upon the battlefield.
If something happens to me...I am entrusting my sacred duties to you.
Choice 1: なぜ自分が? Why me?
Choice 2: 後事、とは? Sacred duties?
レア: あなたはもう、自分が何者なのか気づき始めているはず。
Rhea: You must have guessed it by now. The truth of who you are.
Or perhaps I should say, your lost memories are surely beginning to return.
I have acted all these long years as a mere proxy for you. But the duty is yours and yours alone. Only you can lead the people of Fódlan.
セテス: ………………。
Seteth: ...
Rhea, please. You must tell me all that you know. I beg of you.
レア: ………………。
Rhea: ...
セテス: あの者は……神祖なのか?
Seteth: That one...is the progenitor god. Am I correct?
レア: あの者は……彼女の器。体の内に神祖の力を宿した者……。
Rhea: In a sense. Our dear professor is...a vessel. One who carries the power of the progenitor god within.
In time, the vessel will become one with the power contained within, and the progenitor god shall return to this world.
セテス: やはり君は禁忌を……!だが……後戻りは、できないか……。
Seteth: I see. I trust that you are aware of the questionable nature of this experiment? But I suppose there is no turning back...
レア: あなたにも、あの子を……いいえ、彼女を、助けてほしい。
Rhea: I ask that you help our friend...and in doing so, help her.
I am waiting and hoping for the moment when our creator rules this wayward land once more.
セテス: ……やはり私にはできない。禁忌を犯すことなど……。
Seteth: I am sorry, but I cannot do this. I am not certain it is just...
レア: そうですか……残念です……。
Rhea: I see. That is a shame.
セテス: ……わかった。今は君の言葉を信じよう。
Seteth: I understand. As ever, I will take you at your word.
フレン: レア様、お兄様!わたくしもあの方をお助けします。
Flayn: Lady Rhea! Brother! I will do my part as well!
セテス: フレン、聞いていたのか……!ああ、そうだな。
Seteth: Flayn! Were you eavesdropping? Regardless, I am glad to hear it.
You owe your life to the professor, after all. And in the end, they may prove to be our brethren.
レア: 感謝します、セテス、フレン。
Rhea: You have my gratitude, Seteth. And you as well, Flayn.
As followers of the progenitor god, it is up to us to see our mission through.